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    Latest News
    Taiyuan Yedong company increase sponge iron signif
    Browse number£º978  Add time£º2006-11-23

    Taiyuan Yedong company increase sponge iron significantly

         From Tangshan Outstanding Kiln Co., LTD marketing department feedback information, my company construct Taiyuan Yedong Metal Industries Ltd. 156 m gas tunnel kiln which original design capacity is one day 45 tons annual output of 15,000 tons, nearly a year stable operation, now production capacity has reached 70 tons per day, thpough this calculation, the annual output up to nearly 25,000 tons, the production capacity than the design capacity increased by 50%. This is result of Yedong company leadership to strengthen internal management, reduce energy consumption, give full play to the potential the tunnel kiln. My company also has contribution on the tunnel kiln for technology several patents.

    Copyright£ºTangshan Outstanding Science and Technology Co.,LTD
    Address: Room No.510-511 Oriental building C, No.152 North Jianshe Road, High-tech development zone, Tangshan city, Hebei province, China (063020)
    Tel£º+86-315-3179549  Fax£º+86-315-3195748  Website£ºwww.otsk.cn  Email£ºotsk@163.com  Contact:Mr Wang +86-18631540014